I doubt that anyone in the history of the history of all history would be silly enough to dispute that Albert Einstein was a genius. He was indeed in every sense of the word. Yes, I’m asking you to be a genius. To be like Einstein. Simple, right?
Remember that catchy song “Dancing in the Dark” by Bruce Springsteen? That's been me lately. Let me back up a minute. . . .
There is nothing else in the world like writing. We get to shed light on whatever it is we care most about. What is important, joyful, thrilling, and meaningful to us. If we want to reach people, we need to be willing to . . .
I don't know about you, but I often get in my own way. It's magical though when I catch myself in the middle of this and realize I have the power to change . . . .
Have you ever felt like life is one gigantic jigsaw puzzle and you are missing a bunch of pieces? Maybe it's just me, but lately this is the way I've been feeling. Maybe it's because I am a seeker and always looking for answers to . . .
I blame you for . . . Wait a minute. Did you read that correctly? Yes, I am blaming you for something. Let me explain . . .
If you could tell your 16-year-old self one thing, what would that be? I was asked this question recently and immediately laughed. I envisioned a long list of life lessons I wish I would have understood and . . .
What is transformation, exactly? At first, it may appear straightforward. It’s simply change, right? Yes and no. Let’s delve a little deeper. Change is constant. Everything in this universe is in flux and change is happening . . .
How many times have you taken a walk around your neighborhood and everything looks normal, in its place? Ordinary. Your eyes gloss over the usual sights and your mind is elsewhere . . .
Being in a healthy, emotionally mature, intimate relationship is something that most people aspire to experience. The American-German psychologist Erik Erikson defines intimacy as . . .
Imagine all your times of stress replaced with a string of serene moments. Your days become infused with a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction. Your interactions are filled with delight and creativity . . .
Because of the state of the world, for the past four months, I've spent pretty much 24 hours 7 days a week with my cat Jade. Here are a few things I've noticed . . .
Words. Sometimes our own words are the best way to help, convey, lift, inspire, connect, and reach others. And then sometimes we fall short, inadequate, left searching, emptiness in our hands . . .
Interested in turning your stress into serenity? Laughter is just what the doctor ordered. Unfortunately, most days we don’t laugh. That’s why I suggest not waiting for something to make you laugh . . .
Did you know that giving is contagious? Actually, I just made that up. But there are studies (somewhere by someone) that say when we witness others giving, we get inspired to give. It spreads, just like yawning . . .
Last week I was cooking dinner and something unusual happened that jolted me out of my daze. I love to cook and was making some new recipes for my upcoming cookbook . . .
For years I wondered what purpose I had. Why was I here? Why had I endured all that I had? And what was left for me to do now? I excelled in higher education, traveled all around the world, competed in . . .
In a recent New York Times article, Charlotte Lieberman writes: “Procrastination isn’t a unique character flaw or a mysterious curse on your ability to manage time, but a way of coping with . . .
Being in nature is one of the most healing ways you can spend your time. By spending quality time in nature, you are immersing in an environment that promotes wellness for every part of your body, mind, and spirit . . .
How many of us make New Year’s Resolutions and then a few months, weeks, or even just days after we made them give up on them? It’s probably because most of our resolutions are difficult to achieve and to maintain . . .
What first enters your mind when you think of the holiday season? Over-dosing on sugar? Circling a crowded parking lot over and over again in search of a space? How Jim Carey embodied the Grinch so well?
Each year in the United States around Thanksgiving time, there is a palpable buzz around giving thanks. What a wonderful tradition–expressing what we are grateful for! If we probe a little deeper, there is . . .
Taking time away from our electronic devices is an important part of healing. We have come to rely on our computers, phones, televisions, and other gadgets . . .
After my harrowing experiences with a chronic illness, I’m now on the road to restored health. I’m often asked, “What helped you heal?” I always respond the same way:
What role do we play in our healing? How can we help ourselves heal deeper, more authentically? How have we contributed to our own dis-ease? These are just some . . .
Every emotion we have has a purpose. Emotions are never bad. In fact, they are a helpful way of communicating that there is an imbalance or disruption in our life that needs attention. When I am angry, it is usually a sign that . . .
Every day we are bombarded with choices. None of us can avoid making them. I suppose you could choose not to make choices, but hey, that’s still a choice! So . . .
I recently had another birthday and a dear friend gave me a card that read: “Make your birthday environmentally friendly…Recycle your age!”
Have you ever used post-it notes? What a simple invention, right? Since the 1970s, post-it notes have been making our lives easier. Like most people, I use them to jot things down that I need to do, or must remember . . .
What is the most powerful thing that can help us heal? Belief. When we believe, we create possibilities. When we align with this energy of belief, we begin to create what is to come into our lives. The same applies to writing . . .